WRP Meal Replacement Chocolate Cereal

Meal Replacement Chocolate Cereal

WRP Meal Replacement 200 g

WRP Meal Replacement 200 g

WRP Meal Replacement Strawberry

WRP Meal Replacement Strawberry

WRP Meal Replacement Mocha Green Tea

WRP Meal Replacement Mocha Greentea 

WRP Meal Replacement Coffee

WRP Meal Replacement Coffee

WRP Diet Tea 30’s

WRP Diet Tea 30’s

WRP On The Go Chocolate

WRP On The Go Chocolate

WRP On The Go Coffee

WRP On The Go Original

WRP On The Go Strawberry

WRP Meal Replacement

WRP Meal Replacement Chocolate

WRP Meal Replacement Chocolate 324 g

WRP Meal Replacement 400 g

WRP Meal Replacement 400 g

WRP Diet Tea 10’s

WRP Diet Tea 10’s

WRP Body Shape Red Berries

WRP Body Shape Red Berries

WRP Body Shape Chococino

WRP Coco Splash

WRP Fibby

WRP Fibby

WRP Low Fat Milk Chocolate

WRP Low Fat Milk Vanilla

WRP Delichips Mix Roots 40 g

WRP Delichips Mix Fruit

WRP Delichips Mix Fruit

WRP Cookies Keju Edam

WRP Cookies Chocolate 240 g

WRP Low Fat Milk Chocolate Hazelnut

WRP Delichips Mix Roots 120 g Camilan keripik renyah yang terbuat dari campuran umbi-umbian asli, yakni ubi kuning, ubi madu, ubi ungu, ubi kayu (singkong), dan talas, sehingga kaya serat. Cocok dinikmati sebagai camilan diet bagi para pecinta camilan asin dan gurih. Meskipun rasanya asin dan gurih, Delichips Mix Roots tidak menggunakan MSG dan rendah natrium. WRP Delichips Mix Roots memiliki beberapa keunggulan: Terbuat dari umbi-umbian asli - ubi kuning, ubi madu, ubi ungu, singkong, & talas Tanpa penguat rasa (MSG) Rendah natrium - mengurangi risiko hipertensi (tekanan darah tinggi) Tinggi serat - memberi rasa kenyang lebih lama Rasanya gurih dan renyah Takaran saji: 20 g, 1 bungkus untuk 6 sajian Penyajian: Langsung dimakan Anjuran konsumsi: Konsumsi 2-3 sajian sehari, bisa dikonsumsi kapan pun, terutama di waktu snacking

WRP Delichips Mix Roots